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TEASER: Световни серии по джаги в София / ITSF Sofia International Series 28 - 30 Oct 2016
http://www.sofiainterseries.com http://www.jagoars.com Credits: Figure It Out - Royal Blood Produced & Credits by: Preslav Belev, Alexander Georgiev & Bore Studios Produced & Credits by: Preslav Belev, Alexander Georgiev & Bore Studios 0:04 - 1:34 Special Credits to Bore Studios & Preslav Belev За втора поредна година Международната федерация по футбол на маса гласува Интернационалните серии на Роберто спорт да се проведат в София. Турнирът е с ранг на Световно първенство и е най-престижното състезание по джаги за този спортен сезон. То е част както от Официалния Спортен календар на Българската федерация по футбол на маса /БФФМ/, така и от този на Международната федерация по футбол на маса /ITSF/. Организатор и домакин на първенството е СК „Джагоарс” – най-големият клуб по джаги в страната. За първи път ще се проведе Национално отборно състезание, ще се играят над 20 официални дисциплини по професионалните правила за игра на 30 броя от последния официален модел маси на Roberto Sport - Top Speed. Състезанието се очаква да събере над 200 състезатели от цял свят - Канада, Иран, Франция, Австрия, Словакия, Германия, Италия, Белгия, Словения, Гърция, Сърбия, Румъния, Турция и др. – включително Топ състезатели от Международната ранглиста. Участие ще вземат и всички клубове в страната, републиканските шампиони и най-добрите играчи в България, някои от които заемат челни позиции в Официалната световна ранглиста /Екатерина Атанасова и Благовеста Герова и др./. THE INTERNATIONAL SINGLES, DOUBLES & NATIONS PROFESSIONAL Table soccer tournament will be held in Bulgaria! SOFIA INTERNATIONAL SERIES 2016 is a Official ITSF Competition for Sport Calendar 2016. Foosball Players from all over the world are taking part in the only high ranked ROBERTO SPORT Tournament in 2016! There are Special conditions for the Winners in Open and Women Singles, Classic and SpeedBall Doubles - men, women, junior and senior (for each category min 4 teams are required). The event will be played on the Official SpeedBall Tables 2016. Special Players Packages, Players Party & NEW Official ITSF National Event! Free Entry for all visitors and livestreaming available on spot! Credits to: Royal Blood - Figure It Out
Kickstarter Video - Foosball Documentary
SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED AND CURRENTLY FILMING!!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/120290865/foosballers-foosball-documentary FOOSBALLERS is a feature length documentary that will chronicle the lives of professional foosball players leading up to the World Championships held this year in Lexington, KY. Directed by Joe Heslinga Written and Produced by Michael Wagstaffe Producer and Cinematographer - Logan Cascia Starring: Todd Loffredo Ryan Moore Rob Mares Tony Spredeman Kelsey Cook Tommy Adkisson Mike Bowers Music: "SUPERBAD" Provided by Extreme Music "DIRTY DOLLARS" Provided by Extreme Music Additional Footage provided by: Inside Foos: www.insidefoos.com For more information about the professional foosball tour, please visit International Foosball Promotions (IFP): www.ifptour.com
World Championship Series (WCS) 2015 in Berlin - Kivent GmbH
Die World Champion Series nach Berlin zu holen, war das Ziel, welches wir uns Anfang des Jahres 2015 vorgenommen haben. Gemeinsam mit dem MOA-Berlin wurde dies dann vom 11.-13. September 2015 in der "Hall Of Events" erfolgreich umgesetzt. Damit dieses Event für alle möglichst lang in Erinnerung bleibt, haben wir dieses Video anfertigen lassen, mit den Eindrücken von 590 Spieler aus aller Welt (Rekordteilnehmerzahl bei einer WCS), 120 Kickertischen und drei Tagen Kickern, Kickern, Kickern. Wir hoffen Euch hat es allen in Berlin gefallen und würden uns freuen, Euch auch im nächsten Jahr wieder begrüßen zu dürfen. Weitere Infos zu kivent gibts auf http://www.kivent.de
2015 Australian Open Singles Final - Takumi v Mohammad
Marathon 2015 National singles final between Takumi Iwata and Mohammad Yazdi. A beautiful display of skill and endurance fought hard and fair by both players. Arguably the greatest competitive Foosball match to have been played in Australia.
Sofia International Series 2015 - Aftermovie
Sofia International Series 2015, 30 Oct - 1 Nov Official ITSF Table Soccer Tournament Roberto Sport Foosball Sofia, Bulgaria http://www.sofiainterseries.com http://www.jagoars.com Credits: Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Leonhart WCS 2015, Berlin – ITSF World Championship Series
Die WCS feierte vom 11. bis 13. September 2015 ihre Premiere in Berlin. Sie galt als absolutes Jahres-Highlight in der internationalen Tischfußball-Szene und fand in den Veranstaltungsräumen des Hotel Moa in Berlin statt. An den Tischen wurden unter anderem die Disziplinen Einzel und Doppel bei Damen, Herren, Senioren und Junioren ausgespielt. Außerdem trafen im „Multitable National Event“ die Nationalmannschaften der Länder aufeinander. Die einzelnen Ergebnisse findest Du hier: Results in German: http://www.dtfb.de/index.php/turnierergebnisse?task=turnierdisziplinen&turnierid=541 Results in English: http://www.table-soccer.org/page/2015-wcs-leonhart-results Credits: Video-Produktion: augenaufunddurch.de Musik: Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier – „Inferno“

2015 ITSF World Cup Nation Men
Final Luxembourg vs USA ITSF World Cup Torino April 8th to 12th 2015
2015 ITSF World Cup torino
2015 ITSF World Cup Nation Women
Nation Women Final : France VS Austria Match Ball - Estelle JACQUOT & Malika SENOUCI Vs Karen SCHEUER & Marina TABAKOVIC ITSF World Cup Torino - April 8th to 12th 2015
2014 WCS Roberto Sport Replay
Men National Team Final : Hungary VS Austria Doubles 2 : Oliver VILIM & Alexander LUKA (Austria)S VS Gergely TALAI & Gábor ROZSOS (Hungary)
2014 WCS Roberto Sport Replay
Men National Team Semi Final : Luxembourg VS Hungary Double 2 : Steve DIAS & Bruno GONCALVES VS Gergely TALAI & Gábor ROZSOS
2014 European Champions League Replay
2014 Table Soccer European Champions League Replay Men final : Evry les Coyotes (France) vs KGB Hannover (Germany) Single 1 : Jamal ALLALOU Vs Marc BALIC
2014 Kaohsiung Foosball Open Overview
2014 中華卓越盃國際手足球公開賽,現場實況。 Overview of 2014 KH Foosball Open.
2014 European Champions League Replay
2014 Table Soccer European Champions League Replay Men Semi-final : Evry les Coyottes (France) vs Kellerkeinder Vienna (Austria) Double 1 : Gaël LAGRANGE & Giuliano BENTIVOGLIO Vs David CSAR Gaë & Phillip KUCERA


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