ITSF Education Commission
The ITSF is pleased to introduce John O’Brien as President and Jan Dreyling-Eschweiler as member of the ITSF Education Commission. They both have experience in this domain as they are already involved in youth development projects for their national federations.
The ITSF Youth Commission is dedicated to the promotion of Table Soccer for the young people on both competition and leisure aspects. It focuses particularly in building educational projects and providing a framework for the practice of the youngest generations.
John and Jan will also work in close cooperation with the ITSF Sport Commission on the matters regarding players under the age of 19.
We give them a warm welcome and hope that their cooperation will benefit to youngsters!
As a reminder, any licensee from a national federation is free to be part the ITSF Commissions. If you are interested in committing yourself to the development of Table Soccer, or if you would like to have more information about the ITSF Commissions, feel free to contact us at
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